Skyrim Editor Milestone 5: Complete Set Design
Both this and the last milestone were used to finish up the set design for the cave and ship. Because of Milestone 3, I realized that it would be better to have all the objects placed in the world before bothering with the nav mesh so that I don't have to tweak it again once everything was done.
It was fairly hard to get the pirate ship looking like a ship, but one thing that definitely helps is the lighting and audio. The thick fog gives you only the basic outline of a ship, meaning the player is more likely to make the assumption based on context clues rather than specifically looking at it, and the creaking of the boat and lapping of the waves as they approach it should sell the rest.
The "modeling" of the captain's cabin looks a little janky, but with plenty of props strewn about the inside, I'm happy with how it turned out. The player's focus should be on all the decorations and the lavish table in the middle rather than how the walls themselves line up.
Now, there is only one milestone left before it is complete, and that's to get the combat fully up and running. Looking forward to seeing it complete!