Project Violet Changelog
Updated: May 20, 2021
20 MAY 21
Pilfered Liberty has now been submitted to steam as the final build. This build has all components completed and is in its most robust state. Future updates will depend on player feedback.
19 MAY 21
15 Steam Achievements have been added
Debug tools have been removed
[Known Issue]
Player jitters on damaging falls
17 MAY 21
Steam integration completed
[Resolved Issue]
Music Audio no longer stops if returning to main menu from boss room
SFX audio no longer continues after returning to main menu from boss room
13 MAY 21
Credits implemented
Credit theme written and added
11 MAY 21
Final Cutscene implemented
8 MAY 21
All game audio is now the final, official verions
3 MAY 21
Main theme placeholder music replaced with final version
Losing all lives on boss level allows for resetting just the boss level
22 APR 21
Playtesting Notes:
All enemies with initial shooting delay when first seeing the player reset their delay if player strays too far to prevent impassible locations after first hit
Moved level 4 Diamond enemy to one side of middle platform to promote player jumping on to engage rather than staying on platform and getting shot off
Reaching maximum jump height requires less time holding the button, allowing for short jumps if necessary but helping players with slower reaction time
[Resolved Issues]
Corrected issue causing players to be locked in the crouching position
Corrected issue causing player to occasionally stay tilted to one side after sliding off of platforms
Extra life in boss room properly resets between games
21 APR 21
Playtesting Notes:
Removed mouse from all screens other than main and pause menus
Included a healing sound when rescuing crew to clue player into the health up
[Resolved Issues]
Crew rescues more responsive, without random gaps in input
Tutorial first short enemy fires back after being hit the first time
Adjusted hitboxes to prevent players being hit by bullets when standing back up
Lowered all game volume dramatically
Boss no longer visible between phases
[Known Issues]
Rarely a player can be trapped in the crouch position for unknown reasons
Unknown bug causing players to become angled after using platforms
18 APR 21
Entering patch 5.0, everything going into the game is about finishing it and releasing it. There is no time for backtracking or adding new features. Consistent testing, polishing, and completing missing elements from here on out for the anticipated May release.
Death screen implemented with restart
[Resolved Issues]
Intro cinematic properly displays ships regardless of delay
14 APR 21
Boss room completed
Camera added to boss fight first phase for focus and keeping the player within its bounds
[Resolved Issues]
Level 4 tall enemy no longer unable to shoot player. Fires back after taking first damage now
8 APR 21
Boss defeat cutscene implemented
Escape sequence added
[Resolved Issues]
Taking damage no longer skips cutscene
27 MAR 21
Second phase boss fight added
12 MAR 21
Changelog will update less frequently to reflect actual updates and not works in progress
Level connecting first phase to second phase boss fight added
15 FEB 21
Sound effects no longer play off camera
[Resolved Issues]
Health bar properly sets to missing health on cutscene end
Dying by touching enemies no longer counts as being "crushed"
12 FEB 21
Options menu added to pause menu. Allows for audio adjustments
[Resolved Issues]
Audio slider % properly reflect % of change
10 FEB 21
Options menu item added with sliders for volume added to main menu
Controls menu added to main menu
29 JAN 21
Boss fight introduction cutscene added. Skippable.
14 JAN 21
Life pickup added to boss room on first enter. (Disappears after first use)
Boss Fight Mechanically complete
12 JAN 21
Long drops in level 4 replaced with moving platforms
[Resolved Issues]
Fixed a bug where the player would occasionally tilt to one side when landing on edges
11 JAN 21
Player jump height reduced by 14%
Various locations adjusted to compensate for new jump height
Level 4 bottom room visuals added
6 JAN 21
Before crew members are rescued they will remind the player the key to press to rescue them after a short delay
5 JAN 21
Main Elevator in Level 4 moves to whichever floor the player is on to prevent long wait periods
4 JAN 21
Player-required platforms added for jumps requiring timing
[Resolved Issues]
Platforms now sync up, making it impossible to squish you between them
31 DEC 20
Boss random patterns adjusted to mandate change if the strategy is looped too long
Crew trapped behind force field before rescue for visual cue
Updated boss art to reflect phase 2
29 DEC 20
Crew disappear after being off camera for a set amount of time rather than instantly
Added a delay to certain enemy's attack times to give player en0ugh time to see them before being shot at
Work Started on Boss Fight
28 DEC 20
Crew animates when rescued
Crew disappears after being rescued if out of view
[Resolved Issues]
Tall enemies no longer turn around when shot from the front
Player fall damage applies properly
22 DEC 20
Short enemies turn around when being shot from behind
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies occasionally turn around even if shot from the front
21 DEC 20
Crew final art assets implemented
17 DEC 20
Moving platform backgrounds final sprites created, measured, and implemented
14 DEC 20
Moving platforms final sprites implemented
[Resolved Issues]
Tall enemy bullets properly fade and disable after a certain distance
11 DEC 20
Blood spurt and bullet spark final assets implemented
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies no longer bump into each other on death
Short enemy hitbox adjusted to prevent standing hits from player
8 DEC 20
Tall enemy bullets swapped for new "sanguine shot" animations.
Sounds remain unchanged for the time being.
[Known Issue]
Short enemy hitbox tall enough to take damage without the player needing to crouch.
7 DEC 20
Pilfered Liberty is moving onto patch 0.4.x, milestone 4: art and sound. With this, many of the updates and changes will be centered around getting all the old placeholder assets swapped out with fully original art and open source audio. This is the milestone that will really get the game looking and sounding fully original.
Short enemy bullets swapped for new "pulse shot" animations and sounds
4 DEC 20
Company Logo Splash Screen added
2 DEC 20
Tall Enemy final models implemented
24 NOV 20
Main menu fades into cutscene rather than opening a new scene
21 NOV 20
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies no longer trigger the crew's rescue range
19 NOV 20
Level 2 Level/Gameplay complete and ready for playtesting
[Resolved Issues]
Player shoot animation no longer delays the ability to crouch
21 OCT 20
Level 1 Level/Gameplay complete and ready for playtesting
Player fully animated with final assets
Short enemies fully implemented
[Resolved Issues]
Player no longer bounces on platforms regardless of movement
20 OCT 20
Tall enemy health reduced from 300 to 250.
Level 3 Level/Gameplay complete and ready for playtesting
Rescued crew fully heal player
Certain health packs removed from level 4 to compensate for new crew healing
[Resolved Issues]
Players can now shoot through dead tall enemies’ legs.
[Known Issues]
Landing on moving downward platforms causes player to bounce repeatedly
19 OCT 20
Player and enemy firing ranges adjusted to reach the edge of the camera
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies can now shoot through tall enemies’ legs and will recognize the player regardless of enemies nearby
[Known Issues]
Landing on moving downward platforms causes player to bounce repeatedly
14 OCT 20
Final Level Gameplay ready for playtesting
Enemy bullets cannot shoot through active electric traps (player bullets still can)
Tall enemies damage increased from 20 to 30, color changed to blue for distinction
Gameplay PS4 controller support (no menu support other than pause)
[Known Issues]
Enemies can’t shoot through tall enemies’ legs
Landing on moving downward platforms causes player to bounce repeatedly
12 OCT 20
Time constraints and the unavailability of my artist has made completion slow to a crawl. In order to see this come to life, excess time will be added consistently until the project is complete along with outsourced assets.
Final Level Shell Added
Moving platforms have visual background throughout travel path
Added safe falling in mandatory falling areas
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies can shoot through one another even after death
[Known Issues]
Landing on moving downward platforms causes player to bounce repeatedly
15 JUL 20
Added brief float time after player leaves a platform to be able to jump, also known as “coyote time”
Added a buffer between when the player hits the floor and when they can jump again to forgive pressing just a moment too early
Added jumping sensitivity, allowing for shorter hops or full leaps
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
24 JUN 20
Added parallaxing window backgrounds
[Resolved Issues]
Crouching while touching the side of the platform does no longer sends the player flying downwards
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
23 JUN 20
Added moving platforms
Added death by being crushed
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
14 JUN 20
Added Control Menu
Updated text font
Updated Mute Icons Art
[Resolved Issues]
Menu Buttons no longer disappear in different resolutions
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
12 JUN 20
Updated Pause Menu UI
Updated Main Menu UI
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
11 JUN 20
[Resolved Issues]
Game no longer crashes when pausing from intro cutscene
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
10 JUN 20
Full Intro Cutscene Added
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
5 JUN 20
Intro Cinematic Art Assets Implemented
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
26 MAY 20
Increased fall height before taking damage
Fall damage removed when player is invulnerable from previous damage
[Resolved Issues]
Being shot no longer makes player take falling damage regardless of height
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
22 MAY 20
Added basic, skippable intro cutscene placeholder functionality
Added base retry lose screen functionality
Added base credits scene functionality
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
18 MAY 20
Added tall enemies that do not take damage below their second unit of height
[Known Issues]
Tall enemies sound/fight identical to short enemies
16 MAY 20
Cleaned up electric hazard art
15 MAY 20
Added electric hazards players must avoid or take damage from
12 MAY 20
Increased enemy hitbox to avoid player clipping into them
Final Healthbar asset added
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies face and fire at the player properly
11 MAY 20
Added Rescued Crew Counter to UI
[Known Issues]
Enemies face player, but bullets always fire single direction
9 MAY 20
Added Lives indicator to the UI
[Resolved Issues]
Lives UI display current lives
Enemy death properly collides them with floor
8 MAY 20
Audio Mute now mutes all in game audio excluding music
Music Mute button added to pause menu
Visual quit button added to menu screen
Audio/Music mute buttons added to main menu
Pause menu disabled when player is dead
[Resolved Issues]
Lives properly reset when replaying
[Known Issues]
Lives UI not properly displaying current lives
Enemies hover when dead
7 MAY 20
Added mute audio buttons to pause menu
Added AudioManager
[Known Issues]
Enemies hover when dead
6 MAY 20
Added pause menu
Added quit game option from main menu
4 MAY 20
Implemented final Door asset
Added door locking until crew is rescued logic
Added rescued crew logic
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies no longer stop seeing the player when they are invulnerable from damage
Built version of game now recognizes health manager properly
1 MAY 20
Added a debug code for quickly moving through the game
[Known Issues]
Repeating the game properly sets your health to the maximum
30 APR 20
Updated vision distance of enemies to see only as far as the camera
Added bullet range of player to only fire to the edge of the camera
Added Main Menu
Added Victory/End screen
Added placeholder 4 levels plus boss fight room
Added HealthManager to carry over health from each room
[Known Issues]
Beating and repeating game does not reset health
29 APR 20
Added invulnerability for 2 seconds after taking bullet/touching enemy damage
Added damage from touching enemy
Added damage pushback
Added next level scene loader with fade in/out
Updated Health Pack Art
[Resolved Issues]
With enemies pushing the player back and damaging them on contact, they should no longer fall to their death
28 APR 20
Added Health Pickups
Removed auto health regeneration
[Known Issues]
Enemies do not collide with the floor when falling to their death
27 APR 20
Recognizing the difficulty of organizing without any proper documentation, a GDD, Trello, Changelog, and Dev Log have been created. All expected assets and mechanics will be populated in the GDD and Trello before any further implementation will continue.
Trello implemented for organization
GDD created for managing project
Changelog created
[Known Issues]
Enemies do not collide with the floor when falling to their death
15 APR 20
Player instantly dies from falling past a significant velocity
Enemies instantly dies from falling past a significant velocity
Player spins while dead from velocity fall until hitting the floor
[Known Issues]
Enemies do not collide with the floor when falling to their death
9 APR 20
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies only shoot at player if player is first object in line-of-sight
8 APR 20
Trello updated to reflect GDD
[Resolved Issues]
Players no longer able to jump out of FallingFast
[Known Issues]
Enemies continue to shoot at player if ever in line-of-sight regardless of obstacles
7 APR 20
Fall damage is related to the player’s falling velocity
[Resolved Issues]
Players running and shooting properly hits first object in front of them
[Known Issues]
Players jumping at the same time as hitting the ground from FastFalling skips the player stun
Enemies continue to shoot at player if ever in line-of-sight regardless of obstacles
6 APR 20
Tilemap created
All assets rescaled to meet new pixel scale 32x32
Tilemap smart fill added
[Known Issues]
Player shooting while running always skips enemies
18 MAR 20
Added following camera
[Resolved Issues]
Player dies when taking lethal falling damage
16 MAR 20
Added Player death
Added a death kick for player death, sending them falling over backwards when killed
[Known Issues]
Falling damage does not kill player
12 MAR 20
Added health bar
Added fall damage
Added fall damage sound effect
Player flashes yellow from taking damage
Player health replenished over time with delay
9 MAR 20
[Resolved Issues]
Player shooting now properly impacts whichever object it comes into contact first between enemies and obstacles
5 MAR 20
Enemies can shoot in both directions by using a “FacingLeft” bool
[Known Issues]
Player shooting always hits enemy first even if object in the way
4 MAR 20
Added enemy line of sight for attacking
Added enemy attacking audio
[Resolved Issues]
Enemies flinch the opposite direction they are hit from rather than always to the right
[Known Issues]
Player shooting always hits enemy first even if object in the way
27 FEB 20
Added enemy death animation
Added enemy death audio
Added enemy knockback away from bullets
[Resolved Issues]
Crouching and shooting properly animates
[Known Issues]
Player shooting always hits enemy first even if object in the way
Enemy knockback always towards the right regardless of damage direction
22 FEB 20
Lowered hitbox on player when crouched to match player height
Added shooting and crouching animation
Updated the players attack rate to a fixed speed
[Known Issues]
Player shooting always hits enemy first even if object in the way
Crouch shooting animation broken
21 FEB 20
Added enemy death
Added enemy shooting
[Resolved Issues]
Player shooting now properly impacts walls and enemies
[Known Issues]
Player shooting always hits enemy first even if object in the way
20 FEB 20
Added shooting via raycasts
[Known Issues]
Player shooting raycast only hits enemies, not objects in the way
19 FEB 20
Falling far enough “stuns” the player
Edited existing sprites to compensate for crouching/shooting at the same time
18 FEB 20
Added placeholder sprites and animations for Player Character
Added sprite flipping left/right based on movement
Added crouching
17 FEB 20
Game Initialized
Unity pushed to GitKraken
Basic player movement left and right