Dev Diary - 20 Feb **Important Update**
A job opportunity has arisen that may slow or even completely halt the production of Pilfered Liberty. While I'm saddened to put it on the backburner, my hope is to be able to finish up what little is left on it and release it before focusing on my new responsibilities. If not, I may release a video of all the things that have been accomplished and maybe even a playable demo of what all has already been completed.
To anybody who has read this far, it was a lot of fun working on the game, and I hope to make even more wonderful things in the future. Game development is a journey for me, and I can't wait to see where it goes.
15 Feb 2021
I probably should be saving the little details for later, but they keep coming up during the 0.4.x work. For example, bullets used to fly off screen for awhile and even though they faded out, it wasn’t uncommon for them to hit a wall off camera. That’s not necessarily the end of the world, but the sound of them crashing into it just sounds offputting when you aren’t there to see it. So, I did a little tweaking with that, got a few bugs not properly showing the health bar fixed, and even stopped the game from crashing during specific combinations of things (which is, I guess a nice touch).
16 Feb 2021
I really want to get this game knocked out. Not only do I have a few other ideas I’d like to start working on, but I think the fear of finishing this one is starting to get me to drag my feet. So long as I’m able, I’m going to jump up production on this one until it’s complete. Really, there’s only a handful of things left to do, but they all need to be done carefully and not just slapping them on to finish it. All of today was just spent getting one of the boss transitions from one phase to another to work, but it looks good and I’m happy with it.
17 Feb 2021
So an issue with, well basically anything, is that I don’t have a huge supply of animations to choose from, and the boss doesn’t really have an “escaping” or “fleeing” animation, so I had to settle with having them jump onto a moving platform that flies off. This will excuse any new animations necessary for movement, and it actually gave me an idea for a boss fight. I was struggling to figure out how to make the third phase work because using electric traps proved to be too daunting to the player, so I think I’ll just have the drill at the bottom of the platform be a weapon to hit the player. Who knows!